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  Geography Project
"Fantasy Island" project
"Fantasy Island" is a relief map project, which can be worked on at home or in the classroom.
It has been found to help students visualize geometry terms, and to be a fun activity for them too.

Using some of the materials listed below, have the students make a 3 dimensional representation of 20 or more geography terms.
Next, have them label each of the items representing the terms they have chosen.

Suggested materials:
  • Salt and flour recipe used on cardboard or tag board to make the designs
  • Styrofoam
  • Cut and fold paper onto cardboard
  • Paper mache
  • Clay
  • Paint
  • Glue
  • Pens or Markers
  • Objects such as tree bark, twigs, and nature items
  • Even some ready-made objects you already have in the home.

Recipe for Salt and Flour:

1: Combine 1 cup salt and 1 cup flour.
2: Add ½ cup water a little at a time and knead by hand until the clay is soft.
The clay should be stiff enough to make shapes which hold their form.

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