USA States & Capitals more of the same   back to previous page
Match each capitals to its state. Score:______
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US States
___ 1:Alabama
___ 2:Alaska
___ 3:Arizona
___ 4:Arkansas
___ 5:California
___ 6:Colorado
___ 7:Connecticut
___ 8:Delaware
___ 9:Florida
___29:New Hampshire
___30:New Jersey
___31:New Mexico
___32:New York
___33:North Carolina
___34:North Dakota
___39:Rhode Island
___40:South Carolina
___41:South Dakota
___48:West Virginia

a.Nashville b.Springfield c.Jackson d.Sacramento
e.Providence f.Baton Rouge g.Frankfort h.Charleston
i.Richmond j.Austin k.Trenton l.Salt Lake City
m.Lincoln n.Columbus o.Indianapolis p.Montpelier
q.Pierre r.Phoenix s.Tallahassee t.Olympia
u.Santa Fe v.Annapolis w.Augusta x.Madison
y.Little Rock z.Cheyenne aa.Atlanta bb.Boston
cc.St. Paul dd.Helena ee.Carson City ff.Albany
gg.Juneau hh.Des Moines ii.Hartford jj.Jefferson City
kk.Harrisburg ll.Columbia mm.Bismarck nn.Honolulu
oo.Boise pp.Topeka qq.Montgomery rr.Lansing
ss.Oklahoma City tt.Raleigh uu.Salem vv.Denver
ww.Dover xx.Concord