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  Recommended Reading List For Grades 1 & 2
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We suggest you also look for other books by the same author(s).
Easy-To-Read Books
  • Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea by Cynthia Rylant:
    Mr. Putter gets an old cat to share his life with him.
  • Pizza Party! by Grace MacCarone:
    Vibrant illustrations combine with a simple, humorous text for a delicious treat.
  • My Brother Ant by Betsy Byars:
    A boy talks about his brother in this funny, and easy-to-read chapter book.
  • Pinky and Rex and the Spelling Bee by James Howe, Melissa Sweet (Illustrator):
    Pinky is excited about holding on to his position as the best speller in the second grade.
  • Mrs. Brice's Mice by Syd Hoff:
    Mrs. Brice's 25 mice do everything together except for one individualist.
  • Junie B. Jones Is Not a Crook by Barbara Park:
    Since what she lost was not in the Lost & Found, Junie decides what is there must be hers.
  • Follow the Drinking Gourd Jeanette Winter:
    A moving story of a brave group of runaway slaves who found their way by following the stars.
  • Arthur's Pen Pal by Lillian Hoban:
    Arthur, the chimpanzee, looks at his little sister in a different light after a letter from his pen pal.
  • Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery by Deborah and James Howe:
    Three pets warn the family that their bunny may be a veggie-eating vampire.
  • The Wayside School is Falling Down by Louis Sacher:
    Humorous episodes from the classroom on the thirtheenth floor.
  • My Robot Buddy by Alfred Slote:
    Jack needs all the help he can get to save his robot from evil.
  • Arthur's Teacher Trouble by Marc Brown: Arthur, the aardvark, is amazed when he is chosen for the school spell-a-thon.
  • Amelia Bedelia by Peggy Parish:
    The wacky adventures of a maid who follows all directions literally.
  • The Josefina Story Quilt by Eleanor Coerr:
    A young girl makes a quilt as she travels west, with a special patch for her pet chicken, Josefina.
  • Your Skin and Mine by Paul Showers:
    An easy science book helps you learn how your skin protects you.
  • Fox on the Job by James Marshall:
    Fox tries to earn money for a new bicycle trying many different jobs.
  • Dinosaurs Before Dark by Mary Pope Osborne:
    First in a series of exciting time-travel adventures.
  • Henry and Mudge:the First Book by Cynthia Tylant:
    A boy and his dog have many adventures.
  • Frog and Toad by Arnold Lobel:
    A classic story of friendship between a frog and a toad.
Picture Books (to be read aloud and shared) back to top

Grades 3 & 4 Grades 5 & 6

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