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go back to the previous page Recommended Reading List For Grades 3 & 4
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We suggest you also look for other books by the same author(s).
  • Poppy by Avi:
    An animal fable about a mouse and the dangerous Dimwood Forest.
  • Harry Kitten and Tucker Mouse by George Selden:
    A hungry mouse and lonely kitten become friends.
  • The School Mouse by Dick King-Smith:
    A mouse hiding in a classroom learns to read and wants to advance to 1st Grade.
Fantasy/Science-fiction back to top
Folktales back to top
Historical Fiction back to top
  • Pink and Say by Patricia Pollaco:
    Civil War friendship between a black Union soldier and wounded white boy.
  • Grandfather's Journey by Allen Say:
    A moving story about a Japanese man's immigration to the United States.
  • Follow the Drinking Gourd by Jeanette Winter:
    Using a song, runaway slaves journey along the Underground Railroad.
  • Patty Reed's Doll by Rachel K. Laurgaard:
    A doll tells about the journey and ordeals faced by the Donner party coming West.
  • Sarah, Plain and Tall by Patricia MacLachlan:
    A loving sotry of a tall, palin woman who comes to stry with a prairie family.
Mystery/Adventure back to top
Popular Fiction back to top
  • Miracle at the Plate by Matt Christopher:
    Nobody can beat Skeeter at batting, but his fielding is hopeless.
    His confidence isn't helped by Tommy Scott's determination to replace him on the team.
  • Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume:
    Peter Hatcher's terrible problem is his two-year old little bother.
  • How to Eat Fried Worms by Thomas Rockwell:
    Billy bets his friends he can eat 15 worms in 15 days and has to go through with it.
  • Ramona and Her Father by Beverly Cleary:
    An adventure with one of the best-loved characters in children's literature.
  • Be a Perfect Person in Just Three Days by Stephen Manes:
    Milo finds a book which promises to make him a perfect person in just a few days.
  • Hey, New Kid! by Betsy Duffey:
    Cody decides on a new image as a 3rd grader as he transfers to a new school.
  • Molly's Pilgrim by Barbara Cohen:
    Molly's Jewish mother dresses a doll as she herself dressed before leaving Russia.
  • The Stories Julian Tells by Ann Cameron:
    Julian describes the everyday activities of his family.
  • Donavan's Word Jar by Monalisa DeGross:
    Heartwarming story about how important words can be.
  • Class President by Johanna Hurwitz:
    Julio hides his own ambitions to help another candidate become class president.
  • Zero's Slider by Matt Christopher:
    A boy's pitching injury results in remarkable success in baseball.

Grades 1 & 2 Grades 5 & 6

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