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  Communicating with your Child's Teacher
Whenever parents have a problem with a teacher, they are concerned about solving it without offending him/her.
However, without input from you, the teacher cannot help in resolving problems or concerns. The following recommendations are to help you communicate with the teacher:
  1. Call the teacher and set up a conference.
  2. Have your questions ready, and if possible bring your child with you.
    Any misunderstandings - whether it's the child's, parent's or teacher's - can then be cleared up more easily.
    Hearing the teacher's reasons for a decision often helps.
  3. If you have a grading concern, bring the papers in question.
  4. If it's a discipline issue, have your child be specific in giving you all the details prior to the conference.
  5. If you are still concerned you may want to talk to the principal. The principal can then set up a follow-up conference.
Again, remember communication is as important to the teacher as it is to you.
A plan to solve the problem will most likely emerge from teamwork and staying focused on what's best for your child's education.

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