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  Parents/Teachers Tips
Help Your Child Become a Better Reader

Reading begins at an early age, and continues throughout their lives. As a parent there are various ways you can help your child become as better reader...
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  Selecting a Book

Most important is to encourage a child/student to select a book on subjects they are interested in reading...
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  Classroom Management

It is important to establish your classroom rules and procedures the first week of school.
Discipline is a prerequisite to being able to teach any class...
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Communicating with parents

It is important you keep in communication with your students' parents. If conferences are not possible, there are many other ways to keep the parents informed, either for individual students or for the whole class...
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  Recommended Books

Here you will find lists of recommended books for students, a list of the most popular teacher books for resources & ideas, and books recommended for parents to help their children become more successful in school.
  Communicating with your child's teacher

It is important you keep in communication with your students' parents. If conferences are not possible, there are many other ways to keep the parents informed, either for individual students or for the whole class...
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