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  Grammar Terms
To generate grammar terms worksheets or lists of definitions, simply follow the steps below:
Step 1: choose one of the following options
Choose whether you want to generate a worksheet or a list of definitions.
Worksheet List
Step 2: select terms
Select the terms you want to include by choosing their corresponding box.
(if you choose more than 24 terms, your worksheet will be printed on 2 pages)

Click here to select them all, or here to clear your selection.
Abbreviation Acronym Antonym
Apostrophe Appositive Clause
Colon Comma Contraction
Declarative Ellipsis Exclamation mark
Exclamatory Homonyms Homographs
Hyphen Imperative Interrogative
Italics Metaphor Modifier
Parentheses Period Phrase
Predicate Question mark Quotations
Semicolon Sentence Similes
Step 3: add a "heading" to your page (optional)
The text you type in the following box will appear at the top of the page.
This can be used to give directions to your students, give a name to the exercise...
Step 4: generate the worksheet / list
On the generated worksheet, click on the to generate a new one.
Use the to generate the "Answer Key".

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